+91 9075019601/02/03 Fri - Wed 09:00 - 17:00 Velu Phata, Pune, MH, INDIA

Paper Band with Magnetic Separator

In modern technology, filtration and maintenance of coolant is a prerequisite for achieving desired quality standard. CutEdge Engineering offers a combination of Magnetic Separator and Paper Band Filter for coolant filtrations. This product is widely used for the coolant or liquid agent filtration for Grinding Machines, Drilling Machines, CNC Machines, Industrial Washing Machines, Tube Mills, etc. CutEdge Engineering offers wide range Magnetic Separator Paper Band Filters which cater to varying filtration capacity needs. CutEdge Engineering Magnetic Separator Paper Band Filter ensures fully automatic filtration operation and thereby reduces manual attention.

Key Features

  • Bulk Removal of ferrous and non-ferrous impurities
  • Fully automatic operation
  • Designed as per requirement in MS or SS body and available for standalone machine or as a centralized system
  • Oriented O Ring ferrite magnetic roller or Rare Earth magnetic roller in SS 304 enclosure
  • Brass scrapper with collection tray. Rubber squeezer to remove traces of coolant from deposited metallic burr
  • Float switch sensor to remove clogged filter paper
  • Easy maintenance and hassle free installation
  • Can handle 30 LPM to 1200 LPM flow capacity


  • Magnetic Separator in combination with Paper Band filter is used for filtration of coolant or liquid agent used in various operations. Magnetic Separator is placed on top Paper Band Filter and Paper Band Filter is fitted on top of clean tank
  • Returning coolant or liquid agent from machine is discharged on to magnetic separator using gravity or transfer pump. Magnetic separator removes ferro-metallic impurities by using magnetism principle
  • After removing majority of the ferro-metallic burr, the liquid from the Magnetic separator is discharged onto diffuser box of paper band filter. Diffuser design distributes the flow of liquid on paper band filter
  • Band filter uses paper filter to remove impurities above 10 microns from the liquid and filtered liquid gets collected in clean tank below the Paper Band Filter
  • Float switch of Paper Band Filter gets activated when dirt cake gets formed on top of filter paper. The float switch sends a signal to control panel to start electric drive of the Paper Band filter to move out dirty filter paper into dustbin and places fresh filter paper beneath the flowing liquid Lever type limit switch is adjusted on paper filter role and it gets activated when paper has reached critical low level. Limit switch sends a signal to control panel to flash a warning for replenishment of paper
ApplicationGrinding Machine