+91 9075019601/02/03 Fri - Wed 09:00 - 17:00 Velu Phata, Pune, MH, INDIA

Candle Type Magnetic Separator

Candle type magnetic separators are specifically designed and deployed for applications where fine particles of ferrous impurities need to be removed from large sump of coolant/liquids. Fine particles suspending the liquid need increased contact time with the magnetic surface, which is achieved using magnetic candles. 


Key Features

  • Removes fine particles of ferrous impurities from the large volume of liquids/coolants
  • Candle type magnetic elements allow increased surface area
  • Continuous operation without interrupting the operation


  • An endless belt of magnetic links (candles) is slowly moving through the sump of liquid/coolant with fine particles of ferrous imputiries
  • This allows increased time for the fine particles to stick to the magnetic candles.
  • When the candle comes out of the liquid/coolant, the fine particles are ferrous impurities are removed from the candle using a scraper and collected in a screw conveyor to disposal
ApplicationSteel Rolling mills
MoCMS Powder coated